Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know about a very special tier I have just created for my Patreon.

Ellamorella plus is an extra special tier for those of you that want help getting creative projects off the ground. Perhaps you are building a portfolio, working on that picture book you've always wanted to make, creating a website, making a zine or collection to sell, anything that feels a bit too big to handle by yourself without any accountability.
I am launching it with a limit of 20 "Beta Testers" for a £20 forever price, and you will get to be one of the founder members, helping shape and create it to be what I hope will be a super-duper tier!
The tier will be structured as follows:
A worksheet designed by me to help you define and structure your project.
2 live check-in sessions on Zoom
10 minute one-to-one "surgery" session with me monthly.
Monthly "Play" art-making session. We're currently working through exeercises from "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain".
monthly bite-sized tips to help with productivity and provide inspiration
Access to all my regular Patreon content.
By being part of the Beta Testing founders gang, you will help me by:
participation in the content
Providing feedback
Helping create the future of the tier
Now I have finished the MA, I would love to take my Patreon to the next level, and who better to help me make it as brill as possible? Why, you lovely lot! For all my regular Patreons, my regular Patreon will continue as normal, and if you do join this tier, you will continue have access to everything in addition to the Ellamorella Plus content.
To join, visit my Patreon page, and scroll to the bottom to join this Tier.